Eat Green Daily

      Eating greens really makes me feel good.  I feel more energetic which makes me more active.  In turn being more active kills two birds with one stone.  I am too busy to eat and also desire less food.  Eating less helps keep me trim.  When I don’t eat greens I feel tired and drug out.  Not much energy.  I try to eat greens 1 to 3 times a day.  Fresh greens like fresh spinach, Asparagus, celery, spring mix, green onions, just something green every day.   What ever is in season.

An example of a favorite breakfast is:

1 egg, bacon bits, asparagus, basil, green olives, garlic and cheese.  Top with fresh tomatoe after cooking.  All fresh or as close to fresh as you can get.  I rarely use salt and you probably won’t need it anyway with the olives and bacon.  I do use lots of pepper because I love pepper.  I have this breakfast almost every day with what ever greens I have on hand. 

Vitamins in eggs – A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B12

Minerals in eggs – zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorous iodine, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, xanthophyll pigments lutein and zeaxanthin.  See for the nutritional and beneficial value of eggs for your body.

Vitamins in bacon – A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, E

Minerals in bacon – Calcium, copper, folate, folic acid, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc.   See  for more info.

       The basil is good to use with garlic to cut gas and is also good for headaches which I rarely have anymore.  Garlic is an antitoxidant and natural blood thinner.  Green olives have little or no calories and I like them.  Tomatoes are low in fat and sodium, high in potassium which helps leg cramps and they lower blood pressure.  Celery can also lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

       I use the greens mentioned above because I like them and they are all low calorie and healthy.